Dear Readers,
We are glad to publish the first edition of our online magazine.

This Volume 1 is entitled "A New Generation" as it aims to promote knowledge on our data society by interviewing inspiring thought leaders, researcher, regulators, entrepreneurs from cutting-edge fields.
As Mathieu LAINE puts it in the prelude of this compilation released with the support of Altermind: "To navigate these uncharted waters, we need the world’s leading thinkers to adopt a form of intellectual Esperanto so that their work can be read and understood around the globe. I believe these thought leaders are the true explorers of modern times: patiently and determinedly mapping and sharing with us the knowledge gleaned from these new frontiers. They will help us experience these disruptions as exhilarating, not fear inducing."

We would like to thank our incredible contributors for their inspiring interviews!
- Aurélie JEAN "Too brainy for my computer"
- Axelle LEMAIRE "Europe strikes back"
- Aude BERNHEIM & Flora VINCENT "Women in tech"
- Sébastien SORIANO "Data-driven regulation"
- Primavera de Filippi "Block party"
- Xavier LAVEYSSIERE "Money in the bank"
- Elham KASHEFI "The cat is out of the box"

The playlist of this Volume 1 is also composed of kaleidoscopic considerations on data ownership, fight against cybercriminality, covid19 & biopower, and the "coup data" concept from Adrien BASDEVANT.
The entire content is available here: Coup Data - Volume 1 : ebook

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